Bachelor of Science in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Learn from top researchers who make groundbreaking discoveries in speech-language pathology and audiology as you train to be a part of the next generation of clinicians who can translate this new knowledge into the effective therapies. Our comprehensive, hands-on education will advance your understanding of human communication and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disorders ranging from articulation problems and swallowing processes to aphasia and hearing impairment.

Hands-on Learning
Experiential learning is core to our curriculum. Generating new knowledge and applying those theories in the field exposes you to the entire scope of practice. Your skills and passions will determine your specialty as you enter the field or pursue a graduate degree.

With a multiple research labs and the UT Speech and Hearing Clinic, we have a variety of places for students to gain powerful, hands-on experience.

Research Opportunities
Undergraduate research experiences may be initiated by a student who seeks out faculty supervision or by a faculty member who involves undergraduate students in her or his research team.
Careers in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Students arrive at graduation proficient across all areas of practice. Many choose to pursue graduate work in Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology or find related employment in settings including hospitals or clinics, universities, commercial enterprises related to the field, non-profit organizations or schools.

Life After Moody
Natalie Sfeir, class of 2021, uses her SLHS degree daily as Acute Care Speech Language Pathologist at Main Methodist Hospital.
Ready to Learn More?
Contact Us
Main Office CMA 4.114
Phone: (512) 471-4119