The UT Voice Lab is dedicated to understanding and enhancing voice production.
We study voice production in speakers with neurological disorders, healthy speakers, and singers to identify factors that impair or improve vocal control. Our interdisciplinary research aims to advance assessment and treatment of neurological voice disorders.

Current clinical methods for assessing neurological voice disorders like essential vocal tremor focus primarily on laryngeal function. However, neurological disorders can also impair respiratory and vocal tract function, which can affect voice production.
The UT Voice Lab research aims to develop comprehensive, clinically-feasible assessments of laryngeal, respiratory, and vocal tract function for speakers with neurological voice disorders.
We prioritize methods that not only improve assessment of neurological voice disorders, but are also readily available for implementation across a spectrum of clinical settings.
While current research on behavioral treatment of neurological voice disorders like essential vocal tremor is limited, initial studies and clinical experience indicate that speakers may benefit from voice therapy.
The UT Voice Lab is working to develop systematic behavioral approaches for improving vocal control for speakers with neurological disorders.
Because every voice is unique, we strive to create accessible, individualized treatment methods.
The UT Voice Lab empowers future clinicians and scientists to provide and advance evidence-based, individualized care for speakers with voice disorders.
Undergraduate and graduate students in the UT Voice Lab receive education and training on comprehensive voice assessment procedures, including auditory-perceptual ratings, acoustical analyses, laryngoscopy, and respiratory kinematic analyses. In addition, graduate students are trained to administer and evaluate behavioral voice therapy.
Students in the UT Voice Lab are also active in the community. They contribute to educational initiatives and promote public well-being by sharing knowledge that emphasizes vocal health.
Finally, we believe that knowledge is enriched through a multiplicity of voices. As we work toward our goals of enhancing assessment, treatment, and education, we value input from collaborators, students, and research participants with diverse experiences.
If you are interested in assisting with any of our efforts, please email Dr. Lester-Smith, complete this interest form, or call the UT Voice Lab.