Undergraduate research involves an educational collaboration between a student and faculty members. Undergraduate research experiences may be initiated by a student who seeks out faculty supervision or by a faculty member who involves undergraduate students in her or his research team.
Participating in SLHS Research
Our faculty members welcome undergraduate students into their labs as there are many opportunities for you to participate in ongoing research projects. Learn more about what each lab does and reach out to the principal investigator for the one that interests you. Feel free to explore all the options as our faculty members have diverse interests.
Bridging Disciplines Program
The Bridging Disciplines Programs (BDPs) are designed to complement your departmental major with an interdisciplinary specialization in one of the following areas: children and society; environment; ethics and leadership; population and public policy; cultures and identities; and technology and society. Admission to the Bridging Disciplines Programs is by application.
EUREKA! Undergraduate Research Opportunities
The Office of Undergraduate Research offers advising and other resources to help you participate in research that is happening across campus. Students can use EUREKA! to identfy faculty who are doing research that matches your interests. Connect with an Office of Undergraduate Research Advisor to learn more, including how to earn course credit.