
Rosemary A. Lester-Smith, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, is the Director of the UT Voice Lab and an Assistant Professor of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. She received a B.A. in Speech and Hearing Sciences from the University of New Mexico, M.A. in Speech and Hearing Sciences from Indiana University, M.S. in Clinical Investigation from Northwestern University, and Ph.D. in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences with a minor in Neuroscience from the University of Arizona. She completed postdoctoral training at Mayo Clinic, Boston University, Northwestern University, and Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (formerly Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago). She is a certified speech-language pathologist and has worked in a variety of clinical settings, primarily evaluating and treating adults with voice and swallowing disorders.
Doctoral Research Associate

Nayanika Ghosh is a doctoral student in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. She completed her undergraduate and Master’s degrees in speech-language pathology at the All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore. She also completed hospital internships in speech-language pathology and worked as a clinical speech-language pathologist in India before beginning the Ph.D. program at UT. Her research interests include neurological voice disorders and evidence-based treatment of voice.
Master's Research Assistant
Chloe Proshuto is a Master's student in speech-language pathology in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. She received a Bachelor’s in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of Texas at Austin. Her clinical areas of interest include voice and neurogenic communication disorders in adults.
Undergraduate Research Assistants

Sidney Becktold is an undergraduate student in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences in the Moody College of Communication and Voice in the Butler School of Music. Her research interests include voice disorders and preventative health strategies for vocal professionals. She intends to pursue master's degrees in speech-language pathology and vocal pedagogy.

Isabella Forestieri is an undergraduate student in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. Her research interests include neurological voice disorders and stuttering. She intends to pursue her master’s degree in speech-language pathology.
Research Speech-Language Pathologists

Elaina Derrick, M.S., CCC-SLP
PAM Health

Greg Jebaily, M.S., CCC-SLP
Texas NeuroRehab
Research Collaborators
David Lott, M.D.
Department of Otolaryngology, Mayo Clinic in Arizona
Elan Louis, M.D.
Department of Neurology, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Ted Mau, M.D.
Department of Otolaryngology, UT Southwestern Medical Center
John Nix, M.M.
Department of Music, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Brad H. Story, Ph.D.
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, The University of Arizona
Edison Thomaz, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
Mariana Georgeta Varga, M.D.
Department of Neurology, Dell Medical School, The University of Texas at Austin
Jun Wang, Ph.D.
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences; Department of Neurology, Dell Medical School; The University of Texas at Austin
Chad Whited, M.D.
Austin Ear, Nose, and Throat Clinic
Doctoral Alumni

Beiming Cao, PhD ECE
Fall 2022

Fan-Yin Cheng, PhD SLHS
Summer 2022

Natalie Cummings, DMA
Fall 2019 - Spring 2022
Master's Alumni

Elizabeth Eidson, MS SLHS
January 2023 – May 2024
Thesis: Temporal Synchrony of Frequency Modulations in Essential Vocal Tremor
Rachel Rubinstein, MS SLHS
Fall 2022 - Spring 2023

Ashley Rothwell, MS SLHS
Spring 2022 - Summer 2022

Faria Kazi, MS SLHS
Summer 2021 - Fall 2021

Anna Hammer, MS SLHS
Summer 2021

Elaina Derrick, MS SLHS
Fall 2020 - Spring 2022

Greg Jebaily, MS SLHS
Fall 2019 - Summer 2020

Kylie Dunne, MS SLHS
Spring 2019 - Summer 2020
Undergraduate Alumni

Elaina Derrick, BA SLHS
Fall 2019 - Fall 2020

Melanie Looper, BA SLHS
Spring 2019 - Summer 2020