About the Speech and Hearing Center
Inquiries about AAC, speech, language, and hearing services for the greater Austin community can be directed to the UT Austin Speech and Hearing Center (SHC). At the SHC, graduate clinicians provide therapy services for communication disorders related to aphasia, developmental language disorders, hearing impairment, head injury, laryngectomy, cerebral palsy, learning disability, autism, cleft palate, stuttering, and other communicative anomalies. Graduate clinicians and faculty supervisors also conduct speech and language assessments, hearing screenings, and full audiological evaluations. The SHC is located on the 2nd floor of the Jesse H. Jones building at Moody College, UT Austin.
AAC Intervention
PrAACtical AAC Carole Zangari blog, strategies, downloadable resources
AAC Language Lab Free AAC activities, communication boards, parent guides
Neurological and Physical Abilitation (NAPA) Center Pediatric AAC specialists
MyTobiiDynavox Create, search, download user-made pagesets in all languages
Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA)
Patient-Provider Communication International collaboration for AAC in healthcare
International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC)
US Society for AAC (USSAAC) COVID-19 and disaster preparedness resources for AAC users, laws & policy info, device guides, funding support
AAC and Literacy
Penn State Literacy Instruction For learners with complex communication needs
AACcessible Trainings, library, funding, SLP directory, advocacy
Literacy Lessons For beginning AAC learners from PrAACtical AAC
AAC Literacy Planner Book-of-the month guide for targeting vocabulary
AAC in Healthcare
Boston Children's Hospital Augmentative Communication Program
AAC in Medical Settings Planning for AAC users in case of hospitalization
AAC in acute care Overcoming communication barriers for health care providers
Gillette Children's AAC Team Collaborative co-treatment in Minneapolis, MN
Apps and Technology
AssistiveWare User guides, training videos, product coaching
Lingraphica Free boards, webinars, clinical guides, user stories
Texas Technology Access Program Austin-based device loans, financing help, and demonstrations
ATMakers STEM/Robotics experts in assistive technology
RePlay for Kids Toy and device accessibility solution experts
Alexa Skills Blueprint Teach a smart speaker to help around the house or play games
Contact the AAC Lab
Jesse H. Jones Communication Center
2504 Whitis Ave
Austin, TX 78712
(512) 471-3841