Group Size: An Active Ingredient in School-based Language Therapy
Hutchins, C. & Schmitt, M.B. (2024) Group Size: An Active Ingredient in School-Based Language Therapy. Journal of Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. https://doi.org/10.1044/2024_LSHSS-23-00047

Story Champs: changing the narrative on oral language intervention
Mary Beth Schmitt, Sherine Tambyraja & Carrie Hutchins (Commentary authors) (2022) Story Champs: changing the narrative on oral language intervention, Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention

Peer Effects in Language Therapy for Preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder: A Pilot Study.
Schmitt, M. B., Tambyraja, S., Siddiqui, S. (2022). Peer Effects in Language Therapy for Preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder: A Pilot Study. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology.

Feasibility of Assessing Expressive and Receptive Vocabulary via Telepractice
Schmitt, M. B., et al., (2022). Feasibility of Assessing Expressive and Receptive Vocabulary via Telepractice for Early Elementary-age Children with Language Impairment. Journal of Language, Speech, and Hearing in Schools, 53(2), 445-453.

Children's Active Engagement in Public School Language Therapy Relates to Greater Gains
Schmitt, M. B. (2020). Children’s Active Engagement in Public School Language Therapy Relates to Greater Gains. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 29(3), 1505–1513.

Establishing Language Benchmarks for Children With Typically Developing Language and Children With Language Impairment
Schmitt, M. B., Logan, J. A. R., Tambyraja, S. R., Farquharson, K. & Justice, L. M. (2017). Establishing Language Benchmarks for Children With Typically Developing Language and Children With Language Impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60(2), 364–378.

Intensity of language treatment: contribution to children's language outcomes
Schmitt, M. B., Justice, L. M. & Logan, J. A. R. (2017). Intensity of language treatment: contribution to children’s language outcomes. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 52(2), 155–167.

Home literacy environment profiles of children with language impairment
Tambyraja, S. R., Schmitt, M. B., Farquharson, K. & Justice, L. M. (2017). Home literacy environment profiles of children with language impairment: associations with caregiver‐ and child‐specific factors. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 52(2), 238–249.

The Frequency and Nature of Communication Between School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists and Caregivers
Tambyraja, S. R., Schmitt, M. B. & Justice, L. M. (2017). The Frequency and Nature of Communication Between School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists and Caregivers of Children With Language Impairment. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 26(4), 1193–1201.

From Research to Reality: Use of literacy-based targets in speech-language therapy and special education classrooms
Schmitt, M.B., & Tambyraja, S. (2015). From Research to Reality: Use of literacy-based targets in speech-language therapy and special education classrooms. SIG 1 Perspectives on Language Learning and Education, 22(3), 103-109.

Stability of Language and Literacy Profiles of Children With Language Impairment in the Public Schools
Tambyraja, S. R., Schmitt, M. B., Farquharson, K. & Justice, L. M. (2015). Stability of Language and Literacy Profiles of Children With Language Impairment in the Public Schools. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 58(4), 1167–1181.

Integration of literacy into speech-language therapy: A descriptive analysis of treatment practices
Tambyraja, S. R., Schmitt, M. B., Justice, L. M., Logan, J. A. R. & Schwarz, S. (2014). Integration of literacy into speech-language therapy: A descriptive analysis of treatment practices. Journal of Communication Disorders, 47, 34–46.

Teacher–child relationships, behavior regulation, and language gain among at-risk preschoolers
Schmitt, M. B., Pentimonti, J. M. & Justice, L. M. (2012). Teacher–child relationships, behavior regulation, and language gain among at-risk preschoolers. Journal of School Psychology, 50(5), 681–699.