
December 2024

Sajana Aryal, a Ph.D. student, received the Research Mentoring-Pair Travel Award to attend the 2023 ASHA convention in Seattle. Congratulations!!!

December 2024

Dr. Anu Nair received the Audiology/Hearing Science Research Travel Award to attend the 2024 ASHA Convention in Seattle. Congratulations!!!

September 2024

Dr. Anu Nair has been selected to attend the American Academy of Audiology’s Jerger Future Leaders in Audiology Conference. Congratulations!!!

August 2024

Dr. Anu Nair made a presentation at the IHCON 2024, supported by a competitive Sig Soli Scholarship. Congratulations!!!

June 2024

Dr. Mishra will deliver a keynote lectureExtended High Frequency Hearing Loss Hiding Underneath a Normal Audiogram” at the HEAL conference, Lake Como, Italy.

April 2024

Dr. Monica Trvenio inducted as a participant for the ASHA Lesson for Success program.

February 2024

Dr. Monica Trevino makes an oral presentation on cochlear tuning and otitis media at the American Auditory Society meeting, supported by the prestigious AAS New Investigator Award.

February 2024

Dr. Monica Trevino received a highly competitive ARO travel award to present a poster at the 47th annual mid-winter meeting of ARO in Anaheim, CA.

January 2024

Dr. Mishra delivered a plenary talk at the 55th annual conference of the Indian Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Kolkata, India.

January 2024

Dr. Jithin Balan, moves to California State University in Sacramento, CA as an Assistant Professor of Audiology.

December 2023

Dr. Mishra delivered an invited talk at the special session titled “Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processing in Individuals with Normal Hearing and Hearing Difficulties” at ASA 2023 in Sydney, Australia.

November 2023

Akansha Chawla, a BME student, was awarded an Undergraduate Research Fellowship award ($1000) in support of a scholarly research project on Efferent Modeling in the UT CARE Lab.

November 2023

Sajana Aryal, a PhD student, received an ASHA Audiology/Hearing Sciences (ARTA) Award for the ASHA Annual Convention in Boston.

November 2023

Dr. Jithin Balan and Dr. Mishra received an ASHA Research Mentoring-Pair Travel Award for attending the Research Symposium focused on Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in CSD at the ASHA annual convention in Boston, MA. View the full list of recipients here

October 2023

Dr. Jithin Balan authors a JASA paper on applying machine learning to study EHF and speech-in-noise recognition.

August 2023

Dr. Mishra authors a paper in the Journal of Neuroscience on otitis media and efferents.

August 2023

The UT CARE Lab welcomes Sajana Aryal as a PhD student from Nepal.

April 2023

Dr. Mishra moderates a learning module on EHF hearing at the American Academy of Audiology annual convention.

April 2023

Dr. Mishra delivers the keynote address (online) at the Recent Advances in Assessment and Management of Communication Disorders held in Puducherry, India.

March 2023

Dr. Jithin Balan Dr. Jithin Balan makes an oral presentation on ABR and EHF at the American Auditory Society meeting, supported by the prestigious AAS New Investigator Award. Read about it here.

November 2022

Dr. Jithin Balan received the Audiology/Hearing Sciences (ARTA) Award for the ASHA Annual Convention in New Orleans. View the full list of recipients here.